Dominic Zunis 1994-2013
On March 23, 2013 at about 7:30 am. Dominic was on his way home. He had been at a party the night before. Dominic was coming home to shower, change and meet his brother for lunch, but that never happen. He slid through a stop sign at Mennel Road and Rt. 57 hydro planing into a pond and in an instant our lives changed forever.
In the days, weeks, and months that followed his family and friends tried to make some sense out of this tragic and senseless act. Because of this it has become very important to keep him close in spirit and honor his memory. Creating a memorial foundation and helping others is the best way we could think of. Dominic was so full of life and love so in his honor we created the DOMINIC ZUNIS MEMORIAL FOUNDATION. Our goal is to educate parents and students of the dangers of underage drinking as well as the dangers of drinking and driving.
This tragedy has forever impacted our lives and our family will never be the same. It is our hope that by continuing to educate young people we can save one family from experiencing the devasting loss of losing a child.